Drawing Stencils - The stencil material acts as a binary mask that decides if the color reaches the surface or not. Posted by ininjathoughts Thursday, June 25, 2020 Related PostsWeird Owl Drawing : Explore weird owl's (@weird_owl) posts on pholder | see more posts from u/weird_owl about anime sketch, mapmaking and wo t.Weird Octopus Drawing : Contour the octopus, trying to vary the thickness and darkness of the line.Drawing Of Weird Animals - .study animals in earnest and create compendiums of fantastic beasts (and where to find them), they had to rely on secondhand knowledge to create their own drawings.Drawing Of A Weird Creature - I really don't know what this is. Home 4K HD Images Pictures Wallpapers Drawing Stencils - The stencil material acts as a binary mask that decides if the color reaches the surface or not.